Monday, November 1, 2010


Hello everyone! Wow so much time has passed! A lot has been going on in my life that has been difficult to deal with.

Dad, my rock, my strong, lovable father, went from strong - to sick and weak, to needing someone to stay with him 24/7,to going to a hospital, to being with my Lord, Jesus.

My family misses him greatly. The girls had a terrible time with their loss, but is understanding Grandpa is now with Jesus in heaven.

I will post more here later.

Sorry for the long absence.

Monday, May 17, 2010

वेयर हस थे टाइम गोने?

Where has the time gone?

Sorry for the long time between posts. I have had members of my family sick the past few months and lost my Dad in April. I am slowly working my way back to the creativeness I so love. Please be patient with me as I recover.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Valentine Cards

Here are a few of the Valentine Cards I made. These were using Creative Memories papers. This picture shows 2 totes, one is filled with (ten) 3 inch by 3 inch Valentines. The other tote is empty with the cards on the table to show what each one looks like.

This picture shows more of the 3inch by 3 inch cards I made.

In this photo I have a set of cards with a decorated mailbox (I found the mailbox at Target in the dollar spot). I made a set of 12 cards to fit inside.

Here is the mailbox alone.

Making these cards are fun and easy! This is a good way to use up your scraps! It is so easy, that six of the daycare kids made 20 each in one afternoon!

May you be blessed.